Supported Employment Services

Finding Jobs for Individuals with Disabilities Who Want to Work in Paid Positions in the Community

About Our Supported Employment Services Program

Maryland Community Connection’s Supported Employment specializes in independent placement and will identify desired employment, provide employment training, and maintain independent work. MCC Supported Employment services include job development, job acquisition, job training, and job retention. MCC assists businesses in hiring and training employees with developmental disabilities. MCC staff provides customized on-site training and helps the worker learn tasks or make suggestions to the employer about suitable adaptations to the workplace.

Maryland Community Connection will help identify desired employment, provide employment training, and maintain independent work. Maryland Community Connection services include job development, technology access, job search, resume and application development, training, and job retention.

Once employment is in place, Maryland Community Connection will advocate for our clients to ensure successful employment outcomes and a liaison for their employers. Our advocacy will include continuing training and services for achieving the desires and needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.